Idea, matter, form. A new paradigm in sculpture today.
Curated by This is Jackalope for Red ItinerDavid Bestué
Raúl Díaz Reyes
Karlos Gil
Estela de Miguel
Clara Sánchez Sala
Matxalen Oñate

Matxalen Oñate

David Bestué

Estela de Miguel

Raúl Díaz Reyes

Clara Sánchez Sala

Karlos Gil
The exhibition aims to identify the differing concepts and methodologies that sculptors are currently working with. The objective of the show is to compose a representative image of current, three-dimensional artwork from a series of sculptures produced by Spanish artists in the last few years.
Clara Sánchez Sala
Today, sculpture is a hybrid medium that feeds off and, in turn, feeds into other practices. It is routinely developed in multiple formats such as installation, expanded photography and/or painting, architecture and/or performance: used as an active element within it. Through the work of the six artists presented in the exhibition, one can start to make out a way into understanding the forms and materials they are working with, the patterns that emerge between them and the ideas and methodologies that develop through their sculptural practices.
Raúl Díaz Reyes produces his 3D work starting with a 2D element: photographic prints on aluminium or zinc sheets painted with acrylics which he later “sculpts”, giving them a unique form and presenting them on a plinth. Photography is altered, becoming a three-dimensional object. Clara Sánchez Sala’s work often begins with an everyday object that she intervenes in, giving rise to a new object which comes about with the interference made by the artist. This condition of a modified, familiar object is what evokes estrangement in us, an unconventional form. David Bestué usually works with scultpture. His starting point is his interest in materials and the relations we establish with them through the architecture and engineering that surrounds us. Karlos Gil’s work points to the relationship his sculptural work has with language. He reflects on the changes between object and sign, signifier and meaning, and the importance that context plays in the reading of objects. Estela de Miguel’s sculptures manifest themselves as ceramic pieces, which, combined with other materials and objects, make up works that explore our relationship with the everyday.
Matxalen Oñate
Matxalen Oñate’s practice is interpreted as an alterable space, where placing, collecting and establishing relations between objects, videos, spaces and fabrics takes place. It is a playful process, the ends of which are basically to organise interspersed pieces and to create new encounters. Mechanisms and/or systemic articulations based on distance, scale, colour and/or repetition.
RED ITINER is a project developed by the Consejería de Cultura, Turismo y Deportes del Gobierno de la Comunidad de Madrid (Culture, Tourism and Sports Council of Madrid Regional Government) by which a series of exhibitions tour around different Cultural Centres of the 72 municipalities of the Comunidad de Madrid.